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Ayurvedic products company in india
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Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing Company in india
August 27, 2024
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 Third Party Ayurvedic Nutraceutical Products Company In India
August 27, 2024
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Ayurvedic products company in india

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Fast-paced living and environmental difficulties of the modern world have resulted in an explosion of lifestyle diseases. People are looking for substitutes for synthetic drugs more and more, and Ayurveda provides complete answers. This shift has fuelled the growth of Ayurvedic product company in India. Ayurcraft Healthcare is the leading ayurvedic company that produces a wide range of ayurvedic products. Whether you need ayurvedic supplements or skin care products, we have 400+ products. 

 Ayurcraft Healthcare is the leading producer of ayurvedic & Nutraceutical  products.

 Ayurcraft Healthcare, a pioneering manufacturing company specialising in Ayurvedic and Nutraceutical products, is equipped with surplus capacity to cater to third-party production needs. Conveniently located near Ambala in Haryana on NH 44 (GT Road), our unwavering commitment to quality and effectiveness has garnered recognition among experts and professionals. Upholding ethical practices, we ensure the market receives top-tier Ayurvedic and Nutraceutical offerings at competitive rates.

Our Ayurvedic Products

Product NameCompositionUses
LUKOCRAFT SYPDhataki (Woodfordiafruticosa) , Lodhra (Symplocosracemosa), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Punarnava (Boerhaavia Diffusa).Vasaka jambu ,ushira kharjura jeeraka bilva sunthi maricha palasha triphala Candida vulvovaginitis , bacterial vaginosis , Atrophic vaginitis
STONECRAFT SYPGokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Pashanabheda (Saxifraga ligulata), Mustaka (Cyperus rotundus).Shatavri kulatthaushira karchura yavakshara trikatu saindhava suvarchikaCalcium oxalate stone , Uric acid & urate stone , Crystalluria , Burning micturition , cystone help , Uti
CARECRAFT SYPAshoka (Saraca indica), Dashamoola (Aegle marmelo), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia).kakamachipunarnavashatavri narikela kumari chandana babbula musta anantamul triphala vasaka manjishtha shalmall shilajeet trikatuMenstrual irregularities , Dysmenorrhea , PMS , PCOS
GASOCRAFT SYPJeeraka (Cuminum cyminum, Pudina (Mentha arvensis), Mishreya (Foeniculum vulgare), Sukshmaila (Elettaria cardamomum), Ajamoda (Apium graveolens)dhanyaka haridra trikatuControl and relief of dyspepsia / indigestion
AYURFIT SYPChyavanaprasha concentrates Resin, Shilajeet Asphaltum, Kumkuma (Crocus sativus), Kasani (Cichorium intybus)…daruharidra vasaka kakamachi arjuna ashvagandha guduchi draksha punarnava kharjura biranjasipha jhavuka kasmarda shatavri yasti haritaki vidanga mundatika gokshura kapikacchuHealth tonic , occupational stress, anxiety,prolonged illness

The table is presenting some of the ayurvedic syrups and their uses. For exploring our products, visit our website. And you can contact us directly for any query. 

Ayurvedic Products are in image

Why choose Ayurcraft Healthcare for ayurvedic products?

Authenticity and Quality: 

We ensure that only real herbs are used in our goods, and we have very high quality standards. Before we make our products, we do a lot of study and testing.

Product Range:  

We have a lot of different products for different health problems, as well as items for skin and hair care.

Manufacturing Process: 

Our factories are modern, and our manufacturing methods are clear.


Our products are of great quality, and our business is ISO and GMP certified.

Review and feedback from customers: 

You can read what our clients have said about our services and goods. 

In Bottom Line: 

Ayurvedic products have changed the trend of the market. Now people demand holistic ways to take care of their health. Ayurvedic products are giving highly satisfying results. For matching the high demand for natural products, we need more ayurvedic product companies in India. Ayurcraft healthcare With a vision of envisioning global accessibility to holistic wellness, Ayurcraft Healthcare pioneers excellence in every product, setting unmatched standards for purity, efficacy, and universal well-being. 

If you want to start your own ayurvedic product company in India or need any other services, contact Ayurcraft Healthcare or visit our website to explore more products.

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